Thursday, July 3, 2008

Oil change and the trip

Just changed my oil, first time since the start of the season (I put in fresh oil after "de-winterizing" of course). I am now at 5445, so that's about 1000km since the last change.

My local bike shop does not have the same old Castrol oil anymore. So I took a similar 10W-40, still for $5:

New bottle for Castrol oil that I use in my scooter
I decided to take a trip to Duluth tomorrow or on the weekend. Duluth is a port on Lake Superior way up north Minnesota, some 150mi from Minneapolis. I detailed the scoot (maybe should be another post) and checked as many nuts as I could --- everything looked O.k. So hopefully I'll be able to make it! Will make a separate post about this once I get to it. Well now it's beer time!

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